• Question: Why is pizza round but in a square box?

    Asked by skittles75 to Indi, Jarv, John, Ken, Vicky on 14 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: John Prytherch

      John Prytherch answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      I think the main reason is that it is difficult (which means expensive) to make a round box.

    • Photo: Jarvist Moore Frost

      Jarvist Moore Frost answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      When I make pizzas I often make them square-ish as it fits on the baking tray better! 😀

    • Photo: Vicky Young

      Vicky Young answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Because this leaves the edges of the box empty so you have somewhere to put the crusts and dips!
