• Question: What are your ambitions in life?

    Asked by ilovecheese to Indi, Jarv, John, Ken, Vicky on 15 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Vicky Young

      Vicky Young answered on 12 Mar 2012:

      I have a bucket list of over 100 things I want to do in life.

      It includes things like:

      Visit a live volcano
      Visit several countries
      Ride elephants
      Become a published author
      Publish over 50 scientific papers
      Read 500 books
      Eat everything on BBCs 100 best foods list

      Etc. I can give you the full list if you want?


    • Photo: Jarvist Moore Frost

      Jarvist Moore Frost answered on 12 Mar 2012:

      Leave this world a little better than how I found it, and have a little fun on the way 😀

    • Photo: John Prytherch

      John Prytherch answered on 12 Mar 2012:

      Mainly, to be a good dad (my wife is 7 months pregnant).

    • Photo: Ken Dutton-Regester

      Ken Dutton-Regester answered on 12 Mar 2012:

      Scientifically/ career wise- eventually start up my own lab so I can focus on the research I would like to do. I would love to discover a new therapy for melanoma and follow that discovery from start to finish (this is pretty rare and hard to do though).
      Socially- just enjoy life as it comes and take up any opportunities that come my way.
      Fashion wise- Never wear or start liking those croc shoe things (blergh)

    • Photo: Indi Ghangrekar

      Indi Ghangrekar answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      Probably quite a few but they all centre around being happy and fulfilled (in life and work) and wanting the same for my friends and family. 🙂
