• Question: Is the Imperial college good?

    Asked by willgidman1 to Jarv on 13 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Jarvist Moore Frost

      Jarvist Moore Frost answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      It certainly ranks very highly in world league tables for universities. An amazing amount of science and engineering gets done on this tiny campus. I’m not sure how the teaching here compares to other universities, but the fact that you are so close to such a broad range of researchers and scientists means that it’s an excellent place to do an undergraduate degree if you’re interested in following up with a PhD somewhere.

      Sometimes it feels a bit of a pity that there’s no arts or humanities students on campus, engineers and scientists are brilliant but it’d be nice to socialise with people from other disciplines too! We’re right next to the Royal College of Art here though, and their cafe & bar is more entertaining to visit.

      Personally, being in London was greatly enjoyable for me as a student. Though because it’s in London, everything is very cramped – there’s so little space that you’re living and working on top of one another!
