• Question: hi, how do primates such as monkeys and apes react?

    Asked by imamaa to Indi on 13 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Indi Ghangrekar

      Indi Ghangrekar answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      Hi imamaa, I’m not certain exactly what you mean by this question – react to what? I don’t know loads about monkeys and apes but I do know that their DNA is very similar to humans’ as we are primates ourselves. About 6 million years ago, our ancestors started evolving to be different to chimps but even though it began such a long time ago, we still have a lot of similar genes. The announcement of the sequencing of a gorilla’s genome (which is way of collectively describing all of an organism’s DNA) happened just a few days ago. Even though we’re less related to gorillas as the split from the gorilla family happened about 10million years ago, some of our genome is more similar to a gorilla’s than a chimp’s. I think that they are very intelligent and can solve lots of problems and they have social groups.

      Are you interested in primates?
