• Question: can you make facial expressions without eyebrows>?

    Asked by nida27 to Indi, Jarv, John, Ken, Vicky on 16 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Jarvist Moore Frost

      Jarvist Moore Frost answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I think so, yes! I think I usually look around people’s mouths and eyes when I’m talking to them to read their emotions.
      I think eyebrows are mainly used for the more comedy over-exaggerated facial expressions, the kinds of ones you do under conscious control anyway! 😀

    • Photo: John Prytherch

      John Prytherch answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      Facial recognition is hardwired into our brains in a very weird way, this website has a really good example: http://brain.mada.org.il/upside-down-e.html

      This is part of the reason why we often see faces in things like clouds.

    • Photo: Vicky Young

      Vicky Young answered on 17 Mar 2012:

      Yes you can! We make facial expressions with the muscles in our face. We have a large muscle under each eyebrow which can move the eye brows and add to facial expression. But our facial expression is dependent on over 20 muscles located on/close to the face so even without the eyebrows or the muscles under the eye brows we could still move large parts of our face and make expressions. It might look really weird without the eyebrows though (:

    • Photo: Indi Ghangrekar

      Indi Ghangrekar answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      Also, did you know that your facial expression can affect how you sound? A friend of mine was doing some media training once and he told me that if you are talking to someone over the phone, if you are smiling, what you are saying will sound more positive than if you are frowning or scowling!
